TELEXff - 2HP 4 Channel Fixed Filter
This is a prerelease product; price and specifications are subject to change. Click on the "express interest" button above to express interest in this product and to be notified when it is made available in the store.
The TELEXff (TXff) is a 2HP fixed filter that was designed for the primary purpose of reducing the aliasing when playing back audio-rate sine waves on a TXo+ (a TXo upgraded with a Teensy 3.6 processor). This filter adds four three-pole filters that can be used to improve the fidelity of each of the TXo's four CV outputs.
The TXff's final panel will be made of brushed aluminum and jacks will have knurled nuts so as to perfectly match your TELEX expanders and monome modules.
The TXff's physical configuration is designed to easily patch the TXo's CV outputs across to a corresponding input without any crisscrossing of cables. The four outputs on the TXff are located at the top of the unit.
The TXff does not clean up software-induced aliasing when using waveforms other than sine waves. These will still have subtile to severe artifacts due to the sampling rate of the TXo+ (25kHz).
These facts make the TXff a very specialized product for a very small set of users who want to use their TXo+ in such a way that the clean-up it provides manners. Please ensure that you understand what it was designed to do ... and not to do ... prior to purchasing.
- +12V: 6 mA
- -12V: 7 mA
- +5V: 0 mA
- 2HP
- 33.5mm Depth
- 4 Channels of 3-Pole Lowpass Filters with a ~12kHz Cutoff
Visit the TXff on Modular Grid
The TXff is an Open Source module. Build one yourself; all details will be on the TXff GitHub Project Site once we've shipped.